It's all about fun.

Photo sessions can be awkward! I get it. Trust me. They can make you feel self conscious and as if you have lost any ounce of "cool" you may have had. But... Remember this, I'm here for you. And all you have to do is move. Play. Dance. Laugh. These sessions are about you. About how you interact with your family, your loved one, the world around you. Forget about the camera and the pressure to have a picture perfect session.

Your session is a chance to switch off. To forget the world beyond and just enjoy the moment. The cuddles, the kisses, the laughter, the peace. Whatever it is. It's about you. All of you.

My approach


Well hey there.

Once you’ve had a chance to settle on what session you would like (or if you simply want some more information!) fill in the contact form and send it through. I will get back in touch with you as soon as I can.


Let's chat!

I'll ask you a few questions about your session and what sort of look you'd like to achieve. Remember I'm here to help guide you through every step of the way, so never be afraid to reach out and ask questions.


The big day

Eeeeek! The best part. We will meet up, I'll most likely make a fool of myself cracking silly jokes and usually tripping over something. We'll take a stroll, have a laugh and get some of those magic shots you've been aiming for.


Photos delivered

I try my very best to get my sessions edited as quickly as I can, but if it's a particularly busy time I often ask for up to 12 weeks to have them back to you. I'll always try to get some sneak peaks out wherever I can but please trust that I am working hard to get those shots back to you.


This is my first photoshoot, what should I know?

Something I tell all of my tribe is to relax. Photo sessions are amazingly fun. If you're worried or nervous at all about the session and how it will go, hit me up! I'm always free for a chat and there's nothing you can ask that I either haven't been asked before, or haven't asked myself!
Give yourself time to get ready before the shoot. I always recommend giving yourself an extra 15 minutes when it comes to sessions so you have some breathing space. If you're flustered and rushing it shows up in those pictures. So chill! You got this.
If you're running late, or just want to clarify anything on the day. Don't panic! Give me a call or a message and I can gladly chat you through it and we can work something out.
The most important thing is to be calm, relaxed and ready for some fun!

What should I wear?

I love this question! And I love the fact that the answer is always different depending on what sort of a shoot you're aiming for.
There's a little style guide I send out before every shoot to give you some ideas of what to wear and what to avoid. But if you're ever in doubt, or just want a little extra help, I'm always happy to help!

How many pictures will I receive?

This will be dependent on which package you choose and whether you opt to upgrade to the full album or not. As a general rule you will receive at least 12 photos (unless it's a mini shoot) though it will very much come down to you and the packages you choose.

Are you available outside of Busselton?

Yes! I am always happy to travel, I love exploring our beautiful space here in Australia (and abroad!) so I am always open to travelling.
I do have a travel fee if it's further than 50km of where I reside, though I always factor that into my pricing when I send an invoice.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Of course! All you have to do is ask. I am more than happy to work out a payment schedule that best suits your needs.
Please note, however, that if you do opt for a payment schedule, photos will not be delivered until the invoice is paid in full.

My kids are a bit crazy / the session time is their witching hour. What should I do?

First off. Don't worry. I have two little boys of my own so I know how chaotic and intense those later hours can get. The first thing I will say is please, please... trust me. I have been doing this long enough now to know that the absolute best times for family sessions with that beautiful golden glow, is almost always in the middle of that chaos hour.
My tips for getting through it? Feed them lots. Make sure you have ample snacks and water with you. And let them explore! Let them play and discover and have fun.
The parents that stress so much about their children misbehaving or getting crabby are often the parents most surprised when their kids have a blast! Being out later than normal and doing something completely out of the norm is often so exciting for kids and they forget to be crabby and unsettled.
Enjoy it! There will be time again for routines and bedtimes the next night, for now... have fun!